Ok, maybe not Mach 2 (not yet anyway :D ). But a whopping 90KIAS.
I had actually taken my first lesson way back in 1988 with the Boy Scouts in a Cessna 172.
This time it was a Cessna 172N. The N means 'Super Double Fast' .... J/K lol.
For today's event I brought my Canon SD870 camera. Wayman Aviation at KOPF (Opa-Locka Airport) calls this a Discovery Flight. They simply treat it as a first lesson. I performed the pre-flight with the instructor and then I sat in the left seat and the CFII had me taxi the plane to the taxiway (he operated the radio the whole time) and all the way to the other end. Sat in the run up area and performed the runup. At this point the wind shifted and we taxied all the way back down to the other end for take off.
I slowly pushed the throttle in, "No shove it in", ok so I firewalled it. Slight back pressure on the yoke and at 70kts she jumped up in the air. We proceeded to turn north and up to 1,000ft then turned eastward and followed 826/Palmetto Expressway.
Near the end (ie near the beach but before) I turned her right to reverse course and proceed back to the airport.
I performed the landing (the stall warning came on just before the wheels touched) and taxied her back to the school ramp.
All in all a great day :D
You can see the airport in the distance
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